KimQi especially for you!

The “Kim” in KimQi stands for your horizon, your goal. Where do you want to go? What do you want to achieve?

The “Qi” in KimQi is your energy, your life spirit. You use your Qi to reach your goal. What do you need so you can use your life spirit in the most optimal way?

Would you like support for reaching your goal?

KimQi can support you in multiple ways:

  • Customized nutrition advice
  • Face Reading
  • Personal development
  • A combination of the above

Customized nutrition advice

Een kleurrijke maaltijd

How do you feel on a daily basis?

Do you have the energy to do what you want to do?

According to Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM), nutrition significantly contributes to your Qi – your energy, your life force. Food influences your health, vitality, daily energy levels, (night) rest, and overall well-being. Everyone is unique, requiring different nutrition for optimal feeling and functioning. Small adjustments can make a noticeable difference. Through nutrition, you can promote health, restore balance, and reduce physical and emotional issues.

TCM nutritional principles assess food through the Five Elements, considering energy contribution, impact on your Qi, and the overall effect on you as an individual. For thousands of years, the Chinese have understood that balanced nutrition influences health and vitality. You can proactively manage your well-being through nutrition, preventing or healing potential illnesses. This knowledge is applicable with the (Western) food available here. Together, we’ll determine what you need for your balance.

Face Reading

What do you see when you look in the mirror?

What does your face tell you?

According to Face Reading, your face is the mirror of your soul. It involves ‘reading’ your face – understanding who you are, your talents, and what you’ve inherited. Over time, your face develops wrinkles, lines, discolorations, and (birth)marks, reflecting your life experiences and current well-being. Chinese Face Reading incorporates Traditional Chinese Medicine knowledge, connecting the Five Elements, talents, facial features, and health. Knowing this allows you to take action, and as you do, your face will change, becoming your personal mirror indicating how you’re doing. Are you curious about what your face has to say?

Face Reading

Personal development

Kim van Helmond KimQi

What would you like to achieve?

What do you need to reach your goal?

Through personal support, we’ll collaboratively explore, possibly incorporating TCM knowledge of nutrition and/or Face Reading, what you need to achieve your goal.

Do you already have a clear view of your goal?


You are warmly welcomed for:

  • Customized nutrition advice
  • Face Reading
  • Personal development
  • And, of course, all combinations are possible

Feel free to contact me for more information.

I’m eager to get to know you and see you soon!

About me

I’d love to connect with you; my name is Kim van Helmond. After years of education in personal development, communication, psychology, and stress management, I discovered Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM), opening up a new world for me. It beautifully complemented what I had already learned. TCM’s diversity allows me to view health and vitality from a different perspective. Bridging the Western and Eastern worlds offers a unique outlook that can contribute to what you need. I’m eager to share my knowledge so you can find your optimal KimQi balance.

Kim van Helmond

Kim connects with people. Intuitively she senses possibilities and questions. With her insightful inquiries she motivates people to take action.


  • TCM Five Elements Nutritional Principles (Total Health Academy)
  • TCM Face Reading (Face Reading Academy)
  • hNLP Master practitioner (Sirius Academy)
  • Voluit Vitaal practitioner (Sirius Academy)
  • Train the trainer (Sirius Academy)
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